Gina Calvert

Gina is a digital storyteller who has been crafting SAASy content for over a decade. When she's not rearranging words, she's planning her next trip, dabbling with art, or trying to make the ukelele seem cool. The jury's still out on that one.

Simple Skills verification for HR

3 min read

Decode the Resume Part 1: 4 Simple Ways to Verify Skills

RedThread Research has identified 7 skills verification methods that range from simple to more complex. In Part 1 of this 2-part job skills...

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Complex Job Skills Assessment Techniques

3 min read

Decode the Resume Part 2: 3 Advanced Job Skills Assessment Techniques

In Part 1 of our series on job skills assessments, we explored 4 simple ways to verify skills as identified by RedThread Research. RedThread members...

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