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Drill-Down Ninjas See the Data More Clearly With One Model's Explore Tool

Written by Dennis Behrman | Jun 3, 2024 8:20:46 PM

Anyone who analyzes data knows there's always a need to drill into reports to answer the questions that pop up. One Model is the only people analytics platform that allows you to drill into literally anything and everything, as if your siloed enterprise data sources were a single source of truth.


Working with Metrics, Dimensions, and Time

Explore is a powerful tool designed to help you perform powerful ad-hoc analysis on your One Model storyboards, reports, and visualizations. Here's a quick look at how the Explore tool works.

Select Your Metrics

Metrics are quantifiable measures used to understand the results or outcomes that you observe in your business. The Explore tool presents the entire list of metrics available to you based on your organization's metrics library and the access permission associated with your user profile and your group/team membership.

You can add and remove metrics by dragging and dropping them from your metrics library to your metrics selection fields. Your metrics library contains all of the direct and derived values that are used to tell the stories hidden within your data.

To learn more about how metrics are established in your One Model instance, check out this article or this video. (You may need to login with your One Model account to view Help Center content.)

Pick Your Dimensions

Dimensions are attributes or categories by which data can be grouped. Dimensions organize data into meaningful sections for comparing. For example, in a turnover report, dimensions could include rank, business unit, performance rating, and so on. To sub-group your data even further, you might want to add pivoted dimensions, which help you compare groups by more than one attribute. One Model's Explore tool allows you to drag and drop any number of dimensions into your report to see an analytical picture with more detail. 

Mind Your Time Model

Time modeling is perhaps the trickiest and most important activity that happens on the One Model platform. Since time is a constant, your data analysis depends on the most comprehensive coverage of observable and measurable events for analyzing data over different periods.

In theory, time subdivides infinitely. But in practice, most analysts and decision makers prefer to view time within a standard set of available lenses such as days, months, quarters, and years. But since months, quarters, and years can have different numbers of days within them, it is critical to getting time right to understand your business in the most accurate way possible.

It's important for these cumulative measures to "add up" or "sum to the right number" when aggregated (or drilled through) at scale. It's equally important for data about events to be captured at various time intervals. For example, a group of employees who are currently high-performing rock stars may inform a decision today about high performers. But in reality, many of those rock stars may have been groupies in the past.

One Model has no peer when it comes to the most effective application of time series analysis. Here's why.

I created the Sankey diagram below with fake data to show a point. Observe how none of the more than 4000 high performers at the end of 2021 remained high performers at the end of 2023. So any analysis conducted in 2024 that uses the pool of 2023's high performers to infer multi-year trends would be an incomplete and possibly flawed analysis of the company's high performers.

Most other approaches don't account for the question of "how it looked" in the past.


Explore Explore's Unrivaled Speed to Insight

Your organization needs the most accurate and current information to make the most informed talent decisions. The Explore tool is one of many keys to telling the stories within your data.

Approachable & Intuitive

One Model's Explore tool features a professional-class user interface designed to cater to both casual and highly technical users. This balanced design ensures that casual users can easily navigate and utilize the tool without feeling overwhelmed, while technical users have access to advanced functionalities and customization options. The interface’s adaptability fosters a productive environment for all users, enabling them to swiftly uncover insights and make data-driven decisions.

Consistent Metrics Definitions Paired with Flexible Dimensional Pivots

The Explore tool ensures the consistent application of organization-wide metrics definitions and offers the flexible application of dimensions, enabling users to tailor analyses to their specific needs. By presenting a cohesive and accurate picture of organizational data, the Explore tool enables faster and more reliable insights, accelerating the overall time-to-insight.

Better, Faster Insights to More Decision-Makers Around Your Organization

One Model's Explore tool excels in its ability to deploy sound insights to any team or decision maker within an enterprise. By seamlessly integrating with various data sources and offering robust reporting features, the tool ensures that actionable insights are readily accessible to all relevant stakeholders.

No other people analytics platform drives more data-driven decision-making better than One Model, thanks to tools like Explore, which empower organizations to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.


Essential Questions to Ask When Selecting an AI-Powered HR Tool


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