One Model Blog

What is Well-Being at Work and Why Does It Matter?

Written by Dennis Behrman | Feb 27, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Most large employers are already required by law to ensure that workers are safe and workplace risks are minimised as much as possible. But a new school of thought has emerged around the concept of well-being at work. Whether you've followed this trend closely or this is the first you're hearing of it, well-being has been studied and there is interesting data available about it. 


We Asked an Expert about Implementing Well-being at Work

My colleague Richard Rosenow recently invited his good friend Matt Diabes, a Ph.D candidate at the Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business to discuss well-being in incredible new detail. His research demonstrates that well-being is far more complex than ping-pong tables and good pay. Watch their lively and informative discussion to understand what well-being is and how managers and organisations can harness the promise of well-being for great talent outcomes.

If your organisation has thousands and thousands of workers whose well-being matters to you, you'll want to be able to measure well-being at your company. Find out how One Model can help you report on well-being and how to achieve organisational well-being goals.


Request a Personal Demo to See How Well-being is Measured.