One Model Blog

VIDEO: One Model Presentation at event "People Analytics for the COVID Reset" by Nicholas Garbis

Written by Stacia Damron | Jul 20, 2020 5:00:00 AM

One Model recently took part in's "Inspire 2020" virtual symposium.

Nicholas Garbis, One Model's VP of People Analytics Strategy, led the audience through a presentation titled "People Analytics for the COVID Reset." He shared some updates on the impacts of Covid on job markets and the various ways people analytics teams are supporting their businesses with data and analytics in this time of need.

His presentation also includes some guidance on 'designing your workforce with intentionality' that lays out several steps that people analytics and workforce planning leaders should be considering at this time.

Fortunately, we have been able to provide a link to the video below. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Click play below:

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About One Model
One Model delivers a comprehensive people analytics platform to business and HR leaders that integrates data from any HR technology solution to deliver metrics, storyboard visuals, and advanced analytics through a proprietary AI and machine learning model builder. People data presents unique and complex challenges which the One Model platform simplifies to enable faster, better, evidence-based workforce decisions. Learn more at