One Model Blog

One Model Welcomes Nicholas Garbis as VP of People Analytics Strategy

Written by Nicholas Garbis | Feb 3, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Here at One Model, we have some great news regarding our team! Nicholas Garbis has joined us as VP of People Analytics Strategy, bringing over a decade of significant global experience in people analytics and strategic workforce planning roles at firms including Allianz, General Electric, and Target.

We like to let our people speak for themselves, so we'll turn it over to Nicholas now ...

Why I am joining One Model?

As a leader of People Analytics and Strategic Workforce Planning teams over the past ~15 years I have seen (and been part of) the transition of this work from fringe concept to a core requirement of the human resources function.  The early leaders of teams like mine are now entering their second and third roles in different firms, leaving their imprint on their former organizations. At the same time, there are now many CHROs that have the knowledge and appetite for analytics and planning, and they are also moving between firms and building new teams. The days of conferences where presentations covered theories and frameworks with minor variations are in the past. We are definitely in people analytics/planning 2.0 now -- and it’s great to be a part of it.

“The future is already here -- it’s just not very evenly distributed.” -- William Gibson.
Having moved between a few large firms, and consulted into several more, I can assure you that Gibson was right. Going from one company to another might look like going back in time technologically and/or strategically, or it might be like achieving warp speed.  As a strategist and practitioner, one needs to assess the situation as it stands and chart a course that has the best chance for creating value for the organization. Then it requires a constant balancing of priorities of team size and skills, new talent processes, and securing the needed technology.  It’s not easy work, and the choices are never simple, but dare I say, it’s “fun”? Maybe “fulfilling” is a better word.

I am joining One Model because I believe that technology is key to unlocking the next wave of value in people analytics and planning.  I believe I can draw upon my own experiences and synthesize the experiences of others to help shape this 2.0 world.  I have seen where the technology constraints can slow things down and create immense manual work, and I have seen where technology creates speed and scale. (Trust me, the latter situation is preferred!) 

Data is the strategic asset of the future, and this includes human capital data! As organizations continue to set up new people analytics teams, others will continue to progress into more advanced analytics and data science. Capturing the fullest value possible from human capital data will require technology that meets organizations where they are: for some it will be foundational data, metrics and dashboards, and for others it will be a robust data analytics platform with AI and machine learning already built in. One Model does both and will continue to lead the way.

This is why I am joining the One Model team.

About One Model

One Model provides a data management platform and comprehensive suite of people analytics directly from various HR technology platforms to measure all aspects of the employee lifecycle. Use our out-of-the-box integrations, metrics, analytics, and dashboards, or create your own as you need to. We provide a full platform for delivering more information, measurement, and accountability from your team.