One AI Assistant uses generative AI to turn people data into meaningful visualizations and trustworthy insights.

    Just ask, and get the answers you need.

    Simplify the process of visualizing and analyzing data so you can focus on strategic work

    Transform data into powerful visuals with just a few words

    Uncover key trends, outliers, and patterns 

    Boost productivity with instant insights 

    View tailored business recommendations 

    One AI Assistant Webpage 1

    Empower your entire organization to visualize and understand workforce data

    Unlock hidden workforce trends instantly, with no data expertise required.

    Make decisions with confidence, with clear transparent insights you can trust.

    Find and navigate to key Storyboard content with ease. 

    One AI Assistant Webpage 2 (Insights)

    One AI Assistant in 60 Seconds

    Ethical AI, Unmatched Security, and Total Privacy

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    Accuracy and relevance, guaranteed. One Model uses only your data.


    Clarify the decision-making process with explainable AI. Our One AI Assistant “shows its work.”


    Utilize role-based security to guarantee users access only the data they're authorized to see.

    One AI Assistant FAQs

    Ready to Get the Most Out of Your HR Data?