
How Robinhood gained
reliable HR insights
 with One Model's people
analytics platform


    Navigating disparate HR reporting systems

    Robinhood's complex people data environment led to confusion and mistrust among stakeholders and managers, as they struggled to find accurate information they could rely on. "Not only did we have disparate data sources, but we had data in two different workforce planning systems and a lot of data in manual spreadsheets and manual tabs sitting on different computers," recalls Kate Zakladnaia, People Senior Analyst at Robinhood.  "There was a little bit of a mistrust and, honestly, confusion in terms of who do you go to for this type of information, what information is available, and how do you find it," Kate explains.

    The urgent need for a unified data source was clear. "We needed to get everything in the same data source and find a way for our stakeholders as well as our managers to look at the same data and know the same information that everybody else had," Kate highlights. This pressing challenge called for a robust solution that could bring together disparate data sources into a single, reliable people analytics platform.


    Implementing a reliable people analytics platform

    To address these challenges, Robinhood chose One Model's people analytics platform. "In the end we decided to go with One Model's people analytics platform, because of its cost, because of its runway time, as well as its world-class customer support," says Kate. The implementation process was remarkably swift and efficient. "We were able to get One Model up and running within three or four months. That's including the first call with One Model up until we actually sat down and presented it to our stakeholders," Kate recalls.

    One Model's platform provided the flexibility and security Robinhood needed to seamlessly integrate and manage their diverse data sources, ensuring consistency and reliability across the organisation.


    Flexible security features

    "One Model's security mechanism is super flexible, and it gave us the ability to share the data with different types of resources and different types of customers, ensuring that data is protected."

    Centralised HR insights

    "I really love the new, expanded collapse functionality that allows us to share information with our stakeholders in manageable bite-sized chunks and in a single location."

    Custom data visualisations

    "Color schema and conditional formatting within One Model's people analytics platform also really help the right information jump off the screen for our users."


    Delivering better HR insights to stakeholders

    Implementing One Model transformed how Robinhood's HR team managed and used data. "I think One Model really raises the trust and understanding of people data in general, internally within the people analytics team and beyond," Kate states. This increased trust was instrumental in evolving the perception and utility of people analytics within the company. "Having the dedicated people analytics team really raises the trust in the process and evolution of the people data and people insights in general for the company," she adds.

    One Model not only centralised data but also empowered the HR team to meet the needs of their internal customers effectively. By leveraging One Model's platform, Robinhood successfully navigated their data challenges, fostering a culture of trust and transparency within their HR team and beyond.

    Fast implementation

    "We were able to get One Model up and running within three or four months, which meant we gained powerful insights even faster than expected."

    Trustworthy people data

    "One Model really increases the trust and understanding of people data in general, for both the people analytics team as well as our external stakeholders."

    A single source of truth

    "One Model empowers us to service the needs of our internal customers and get the same data, in the form of the dashboards, in one single place."

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    About One Model

    One Model’s people analytics solutions help thriving companies make consistently great talent decisions at all levels of the organization. Large and rapidly-growing companies rely on our People Data Cloud™ people analytics platform because it takes all of the heavy lifting out of data extraction, cleansing, modeling, analytics, and reporting of enterprise workforce data. One Model pioneered people data orchestration, innovative visualizations, and flexible predictive models. HR and business teams trust its accurate reports and analyses. Data scientists, engineers, and people analytics professionals love the reduced technical burden. People Data Cloud is a uniquely transparent platform that drives ethical decisions and ensures the highest levels of security and privacy that human resource management demands.

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