Dennis Behrman

Dennis is a husband, dad of three, and tinkerer of many things electronic and mechanical. He currently leads One Model's marketing team and is enthusiastic about the potential for data analytics to bring fulfillment and success to organizations and their great people.

5 min read

Revolutionizing HR Management with AI-Powered People Analytics

Human resources (HR) management has become more critical in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. HR departments face the challenge of...

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4 min read

What's the difference between forecasting and predictive analytics?

Ever play with a Magic 8 Ball? Back in the day, you could ask it any question and get an answer in just a few seconds. And if you didn't like its...

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2 min read

A Great Data Storytelling Example: Minard's Napoleon's 1812 March

Now that many of our customers have complete control and access to their data like never before, they're exploring how to tell better data stories. A...

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3 min read

What HR needs to know about NYC's Automated Employment Decision Tools regulations

HR leaders - are you ready? Starting from Wednesday, July 5th, enforcement begins for Local Law 144 and Department of Consumer and Work Protection...

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1 min read

How does HR analytics software work?

Phil Schrader and Stephen Haigh had an opportunity to attend the People Analytics World Conference in London April 26-27, 2023. During their visit,...

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2 min read

The Coming Wave of AI Regulation for Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of various industries, revolutionizing the way organizations make decisions. However, with...

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2 min read

There Are Tons of Ways to Use People Analytics to Improve Corporate Culture

Corporate culture plays a pivotal role in driving organisational success, but quantifying its impact has often relied on subjective assessments....

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1 min read

What is Well-Being at Work and Why Does It Matter?

Most large employers are already required by law to ensure that workers are safe and workplace risks are minimised as much as possible. But a new...

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3 min read

You Need Help if You Can't Answer These People Analytics Questions Easily

Brilliant talent decisions require superb data. But how do you know what decision power lies in your data? Test it for yourself! Our People Analytics...

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