People Analytics Blog

9 min read

My Learning From People Analytics & The Future Of Work #PAFOW

I spent four days in San Francisco visiting People Analytics professionals and attending Al Adamsen's Talent Strategy Institute : People Analytics...

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5 min read

The Work of Freedom is Not Finished : People Analytics and Diversity.

January 18th, 2016 In the 53 years that has passed since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream speech America has clearly come a...

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10 min read

The Most Dangerous Technology in HR Today

Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I. I will survive. - Gloria Gaynor, "I will Survive". 2002, White House...

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5 min read

5 Reasons HR Analytics Efforts Stall and a New Way Forward

"Life is a struggle, and then you die" So go make something of it. Work on something important and watch over these things. The 5 Reasons Most HR...

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9 min read

What Your HR Analytics Technology Sales Rep Doesn't Want You To Know

“This the real world, homie, school finished. They done stole your dreams, you dunno who did it.” Kayne West (no relation) A New People Analytics...

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7 min read

Reasons Why I am Joining One Model

To whom it may concern, For the last 2 years I am proud to have run my own People Analytics consulting company - PeopleAnalyst, which I like to call...

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13 min read

Welcome to People Analytics, Are You Sure You Want This Job?

“Men* wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of...

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1 min read

Why are we building One Model for Human Resources

The One Model team has a huge amount of experience in the HR data and analytics field. Our careers started at Infohrm, the world’s first SaaS...

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4 min read

Workplace Trust

It’s sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. According to the New York Times, 4.2% of women held CEO roles in America’s 500 largest companies. Out of those...

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5 min read

Here’s how People Analytics fits into your HR Strategy

The role of the Human Resources function is to ensure that the organization has the talent it needs to execute its strategies. So if you’re an HR...

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