People Analytics Blog

Data Modelling (2)

4 min read

5 Tips for Getting HR Data Extraction Right

It’s very difficult to do people analytics without data. Finding and extracting workforce data to use for analytics is maybe the first and most...

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3 min read

Are Your Employees Sick of Having No Paid Sick Leave?

In the US, leave is having a moment. From the US President’s State of the Union to New York’s 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave, to the FAMILY...

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4 min read

How You're Wasting 75% of the Power of Employee Surveys

The employee survey still is perhaps the most ubiquitous tool in use for HR to give their employees a voice. It may be changing and being disrupted...

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7 min read

How Good is Their Predictive Model on Your HR Data?

The human resources department is a mission-critical function in most businesses. So the promise of better people decisions has generated interest in...

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4 min read

Grow your People Analytics Maturity with Exploratory Data Analysis

During my daily discussions with One Model prospects and customers, two consistent themes emerge: A general lack of understanding of predictive...

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9 min read

HRIS Software Comparison: Who has the Best People Analytics Integration Architecture?

Workday vs SuccessFactors vs Oracle Ratings Based on Experience Integrating HR Tech for People Analytics This vendor-by-vendor comparison will be a...

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6 min read

Evaluating A Predictive Model: Good Smells and Bad Smells

Post 1: Sniffing for Bull***t. As a people analytics professional, you are now expected to make decisions about whether to use various predictive...

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2 min read

New Whitepaper from One Model: "Delivering People Analytics from Workday"

Our team recently published a whitepaper which explains the "how and why" of our approach to getting data out of Workday. In it we share a lot of...

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4 min read

Insight Generation: Humans and Machines Turning on “Lightbulbs” Together (VIDEO!)

WATCH THE VIDEO! Conversation with our Chief Product Officer, Tony Ashton, on the topic of insight generation and he shows how One Model’s new...

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6 min read

People Analytics Needs to Support the Enterprise Data Mesh Architecture

If people analytics teams are going to control their own destiny they're going to need to need to support the enterprise data strategy. You see, the...

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