People Analytics Blog

HR Data Strategy (2)

6 min read

John Sumser: 12 Questions to Ask an Artificial Intelligence Solution

John Sumser, one of the most insightful industry analysts in HR, recently wrote an article providing guidance on the selection of machine learning/AI...

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3 min read

SuccessFactors:  The Goldilocks Applicant Tracking System

It’s always good news when a prospective One Model customer tells me that they use SuccessFactors for recruiting. Given that HR technology in general...

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4 min read

The One Model Difference #1: We're Your HR Data Cleansing Service

The One Model difference that really sets us apart is our ability to extract all your messy data and clean it into a standardized data catalog. Let's...

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4 min read

What's the difference between forecasting and predictive analytics?

Ever play with a Magic 8 Ball? Back in the day, you could ask it any question and get an answer in just a few seconds. And if you didn't like its...

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6 min read

Top-Down to Team-Oriented: Examining Organisational Structures

The way a company structures its workforce is crucial to its success. Workforce structures determine how employees are organised, how work is...

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5 min read

Why Your Finance and HR Teams Can't Agree on a Headcount Reporting Metric

At some point, every successful People Analytics team will develop a meaningful partnership with the Finance organization. Unfortunately, this...

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2 min read

People Analytics sneaky frustration: How to count people over time?

Analytics is a funny discipline. On one hand, we deal with idealized models of how the world works. On the other hand, we are constantly tripped up...

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Storytelling with Data Across the Employee Lifecycle

This infographic reveals 4 key HR metrics to strengthen your next data story, so you can prevent costly turnover and retain top talent. Start...

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2 min read

The Coming Wave of AI Regulation for Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of various industries, revolutionizing the way organizations make decisions. However, with...

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4 min read

Using People Analytics for Strategic Workforce Planning

Given the Great Resignation, recent mass layoffs, and store closures, the past year has shown just how crucial strategic workforce planning can be to...

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