People Analytics Blog

HR Data Strategy (9)

2 min read

Why is a Tech Startup Blogging about Spring Cleaning?

How did Spring cleaning become a thing, and why do we do it? It’s officially March. Daylight savings has us up an hour earlier, the weather’s teasing...

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4 min read

The One Model Difference #11 - Your Data Insurance Policy

There will be over 400 HR product and service providers in the expo hall at HR Tech in September. A typical company makes use of 8 - 11 of these...

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2 min read

One Model Announces One AI

The One Model team is pleased to announce its official launch of One AI. The new tool integrates cutting-edge machine learning capabilities into the...

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10 min read

Predict Turnover Risk for $0.57c using AWS Machine Learning  - Part 2

We received a lot of interest from Part 1 of this blog post so if you haven't read it yet head over for a summary view of our observations in Part 1....

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3 min read

The One Model Difference #17: The Most Advanced Role-Based Security

People often ask us, "What makes One Model different?" Well...there's a lot we could show and tell. We've decided to respond with a series of blog...

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1 min read

One Model Announces Updated 2018 Trade Show Schedule

Find our team in a city near you, and stop by in person to learn more about our workforce analytics solutions. February 9, 2018 - Austin, TX - The...

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5 min read

Predict Turnover Risk for $0.57c using AWS Machine Learning  - Part 1

“We scoffed when you predicted he would leave, six weeks later he was gone. Never in a million years would I have said he would leave ” — One Model...

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3 min read

Smaller organizations have a surprising appetite for People Analytics.

The biggest change in people analytics that surprised me in 2017 wasn't any new leap in technology or shiny new object. For me, it was the growth in...

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4 min read

How your company is doing People Analytics poorly (even if you think you aren't doing People Analytics)

You may not think your company is yet doing People Analytics but here is one way your employer is already doing so, poorly. Employers routinely use...

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7 min read

Does People Analytics Work? #PAQA

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.” Henry Ford, Lord Lever, John Wanamaker... People often...

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