People Analytics Blog

HR Leadership (2)

2 min read

A Great Data Storytelling Example: Minard's Napoleon's 1812 March

Now that many of our customers have complete control and access to their data like never before, they're exploring how to tell better data stories. A...

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3 min read

Let’s Avoid Risk: The Rise of Financial Services HR

The financial services industry has undergone seismic shifts in recent years, from pandemic-driven changes to remote workforces and economic turmoil...

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2 min read

Do Not Allow Your People Analytics Tactics to Become “The Noise Before Defeat”

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu Complex people analytics...

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3 min read

The Little Red HR Team: A modern retelling of a timeless classic

Once upon a time, in a bustling corporate office, there was a dedicated HR leader who was determined to improve the company's understanding of the...

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3 min read

The HR Revolution: Maximizing Your Talent Resources With People Analytics

Like many others, data is not a new concept. If you’re anything like me you’ve grown up with it. Whether it was making your first social media...

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6 min read

7 Secrets Every CHRO Should Know About People Analytics

A major shift has occurred in Human Resources over the past five years. The world went from a handful of companies experimenting with people...

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6 min read

What Makes a Successful People Analytics Professional?

To help understand why some People Analytics professionals are more successful than others I undertook a worldwide request for insight. I have long...

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6 min read

How to Game the Best Company to Work For Awards

This is continued from a "Gloves Off Friday Post" by Mike West on Linkedin Pulse here: How the Best Company Award is Wrong

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3 min read

#1 Reason People Quit Google and What They Are Doing About It

# 1 Reason people leave google: to connect with their personal calling to change the world. Ironically, it is also the number one reason people join...

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