One Model Blog

Telling Stories with Data and Engaging Your Audience

Written by Tony Ashton | Mar 18, 2020 5:00:00 AM

In the last One Model product update post I talked about our new user experience and hinted at some exciting new developments on the horizon. In this post I want to share some more information on those future designs.

Thanks again to our customers for sharing their time and collaborating with us on our UX developments and everyone in One Model, but I want to make a special mention of the powerhouse behind One Model’s product designs - Nicole Li - a true UX unicorn! While the new user experience showcases Nicole’s incredible work, the new stuff is where things get super exciting.

This content is being shared to provide an insight into future product developments planned by One Model. This should not be interpreted as a commitment to deliver any particular functionality or to any defined timeline and may be changed at any point by One Model at its discretion. Purchasing decisions should be made based on current product capability only. Having said this, we are super excited to share what we are working on and actively engage with you regarding product innovation and the future of people analytics.

At the risk of overusing some classic cliches; startups run on pizza and business runs on PowerPointTM (well slides anyway). The slides phenomenon has been prevalent for the last couple of decades and when I ask almost any company how they share information with managers, executives, boards, or in general meetings the answer over 90% of the time is “slides”.

Storyboards & Slides

When we recently announced One Model’s new Storyboard capability we hinted at a broader vision and here is part of that vision starting to unfold. The new Storyboards will have two modes, one where you have a fairly traditional tile based layout and the other where you are in presentation mode. Online interactive use of One Mode is growing rapidly, but much of the content from One Model still ends up in a presentation at some point, so we want to reduce the effort to create and maintain this content. Storyboards are then acting as both a modern interactive storytelling dashboard and interactive slide based presentation without the need for any rework. This will save a massive amount of time and also pre-positions the content for the most common destination to meet the consumers where they are.

So, how does this work? The Storyboard view lets you arrange tiles on a forever vertically scrolling space with control over layout, size etc. You can then flip to Slides view to get an auto-arranged presentation with one tile per slide and controls to optimize the display for presenting to a group of people.

Within the Slides view you can manage layout, decide which tiles to show or hide from the presentation, combine slides together etc.

To help you create a narrative for your presentation you can open the outline view and craft the flow of your story.

Being able to present online from within the One Model platform is powerful and provides you the ability to interact with the data in real-time to really engage with your audience. And, “yes”, to the question you are starting to form in your mind… you will be able to export this to PowerPointTM to blend with other presentations you are creating offline :)

Telling a Story Using Narrative Insights

Having assembled a compelling set of data isn’t sufficient to drive action. You also need to engage your audience and the best way to do this is through storytelling.

The next major feature to our Storyboards vision is the ability to add a narrative to any tile that describes what is going on in straight-forward business language. Initially this capability will include information from One Model’s metric library and your own narrative, but over time we will incorporate insights powered by the One Ai machine learning platform.

Captions can be rearranged as elements within a tile, or a separate, linked, tile with controllable positioning and layout depending on how you want to arrange your storyboard.

The Storyboards vision is incredibly exciting and customers we have engaged in the design thinking behind these innovations can’t wait to get their hands on this new capability. Neither can we! Stay tuned for more information as the roadmap unfolds.

This article has been primarily concerned with the developing technology of Storyboards, but I also want to let you know that One Model has a vast library of content to help you tell the story of how people drive impact in your business. We’ll write some more on this soon, but reach out if you want to learn more about our metric catalogue and ever-growing library of topic storyboards. When combined with OneAi, our Machine Learning platform, you can generate automated insights, future forecasts and identify key risks to answer the most pressing business questions you have today.